Company History
- The company's early activities were focused in the processing of domestic vegetable oils such as cottonseed and sunflower oil.
- In 1986 the first continuous deodorization and hydrogenation plant was put into operation with a producing capacity of 60 metric tons per day, launching the company into the tropical oils and fats sector.
- In 1988 the first specialty fats products were produced.
- The first vegetable margarine, under brand name FAMA®, was produced in 1990.
- In 1993 fractionated oil products such as super olein IV-64 were introduced when the new fractionation plant was installed.
- In 2000 TWIST® vegetable whipped cream was launched as the first whipped cream vegetable origin in the Greek market.
- Our company now specializes in the manufacturing of low trans, trans-free products and non-hydrogenated fats, oils and margarines as dictated by the world market trends.